Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) Nov.16-22

For one week, millions of young people around the world join a growing movement to generate new ideas and to seek better ways of doing things.More then 100 countries joined together for the first time in November 2008 to host Global Entrepreneurship Week, an initiative to inspire young people to embrace innovation, imagination and creativity. To think big. To turn their ideas into reality. To make their mark.This November, it will be even Bigger.

Millions of people, 
More than 25,000 events,activities and competitions,
102 countries,120 Host organizations,9,000 Partners,Dozens of global,leaders and celebrities,3,064,937 participants,1 billion web & media impressions,
Seven Days, 
Four Goals
Introduce the notion of enterprising behavior to as many young people under the age of 30 who otherwise might not have considered it as a path in their life.
Network young people across national boundaries in a global effort to find new ideas at the intersection of cultures & disciplines.
Enlist active and inspirational entrepreneurs around the world to coach and mentor the next generation of enterprise talent as they pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

Demonstrate to opinion leaders and policy makers that entrepreneurship is central to a nation's economic health  and culture and to provide different nations with the opportunity to learn from each other on entrepreneurial policy and practice.

Unleashing Ideas Network
12 Global Partners marketing Global Entrepreneurship Week in at least 10 countries each.
5 permanent year-round campaigns,
University networks around the world engaging students .
 National and local government leadership.

Official Activities: 2009
Global Innovation Tournament
A fast-paced competition that pits students around the world against one another with the goal of promoting innovation by challenging participants to develop solutions for a common, global problem in eight days.
Global Clean Tech Open IDEAS Competition
A world-class business plan competition seeking the best early-stage clean technology ideas and helps turn them into successful companies—and foster a healthy natural environment.
Speed network the Globe
Light-touch gathering that bring aspiring and established entrepreneurs together to unleash energy, share ideas and make connections–fast.
Mentoring Madness
Hosted by the New York Stock Exchange, this live web cast is part of a program to encourage the development of mentor-ship's.
How to Get Involved
Is your organization or company willing to be catalyst behind Global Entrepreneurship Week  to foster entrepreneurship for better Bangladesh ?
To become a Partner, all your organization needs to do is pledge to host at least one event or activity during the Week—there is no limit to what you can do. All activities are welcome, as long as they foster an entrepreneurial spirit in young people.
Speaker / Mentor.
If you have personal experiences and insights into what it takes to be an entrepreneur, volunteer to share them with the next generation at an event or activity near you.
More than 25,000 events and activities will take place during the Week, visit the website and find an event or activity happening near you.

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YELL Photos on Facebook

To Be Continue 

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