Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Good Start: New ventures can make ethics part of their business plan.

Examination of the best practices of these start-ups reveals several key steps new ventures can take to make ethics a distinguishing mark of the start-up's culture:

Ethical start-ups recognize the ethical dilemmas that surround them in the first few months
The pressures to cut ethical corners are great in a start-up.

How much puffery do you use in presenting your idea to venture capitalists? How do you divide stock ownership and options fairly among the founding team and later hires? How reliable does a product have to be before you ship it?

Ethical start-ups make ethics a core value of the enterprise
Start-up founders have discovered that they must explicitly embrace doing business ethically to counter the temptations to fudge various standards.

The ethical entrepreneur finds early opportunities to make his or her ethical commitment real
A Silicon Valley entrepreneur who took over a months-old company recently refused to send faulty financial data to the venture capitalists, over the objections of his new team. "You just don't do business that way," reflects the entrepreneur, who enjoys both financial success and a superb reputation today.

The ethical entrepreneur anticipates the ethical tensions in day-to-day decisions
As business plans are written and product capabilities are described, the ethical tension between the truthful and the "hopeful" is inevitable. The ethically thoughtful entrepreneur anticipates these tensions and talks about them with the team before the situations are confronted.

The ethical entrepreneur welcomes ethical questions and debates
Some situations cannot be anticipated, and the ethical entrepreneur must always keep an open door so that new ethical issues can be worked out.

The ethical entrepreneur is watchful about conflicts of interest
It is hard to single out one area of particular ethical concern in start-ups because there are so many of importance. However, the world of high-tech start-ups emphasizes partnerships, strategic alliances, and "virtual relationships." These arrangements are rife with opportunities for conflicts of interest where an entrepreneur or start-up employee can line his or her own pockets to the detriment of the organization. An early and consistent stand against questionable conflicts of interest is an important dimension of a start-up ethics effort.

The ethical entrepreneur talks about the ethical values all the time
The frantic pace of start-ups and their rapid growth create short memories and a staff that is often very new to the enterprise. Only by continually articulating the ethical commitment can the entrepreneur be sure the members of the organization particularly new hires understand the ethical commitment and know it is real.


10 lame reasons why not to start your own business...

By Heather Heaton


If you really want to go into business, why do you keep putting it off?
Trapped in an unfulfilled career and desperate to take control of your own destiny, yet constantly procrastinating about whether to actually take the plunge and start your own business or not. Sound familiar? Thought so.

OK it's a landmark career choice that warrants more than a little consideration, but the obstacles you face are no different to anyone else who's taken the plunge. At some point, if you really do want it, the excuses have to stop.

People are forever telling me they really, really want to start their own business... yet when I see them next they're still 'wanting' and not 'doing'. They're passionate about their ideas, unfulfilled in their careers and motivated to take control of their own destiny. Now starting a business is a landmark decision likely to make the most driven of individuals think twice, but there comes a point where careful consideration turns to procrastination. So what's holding them back? Well, when you break it down and accept almost every small business owner has faced the same deliberations - not that much at all. 

So here's a list of 10 lame excuses and why they're all surmountable:

1) I don't have much money. So what? Lucky you. If you had loads you'd only blow it anyway, like most cash-rich start-ups do. Stop complaining and look at it this way: millionaires start businesses and fail all the time; people with nothing start businesses and succeed all time. Start at home, start small and work with what you've got - it might take you longer, but what's the rush? Especially if the alternative is not starting at all.

2) The bank won't give me any money. Even lamer. Accept it and move on. Start small, prove them wrong by generating some sales and watch how they change their mind in a year's time when you've proved you have a viable business.

3) I literally have NO money. Then start something. Inaction will get you nowhere. If you want to knit and sell jumpers but can't even afford the wool, then start a blog for free and start telling people about these amazing jumpers you're going to sell in the future. Generate interest, an audience, make yourself an expert on knitting. Do that and you'll become an attractive proposition to someone with money who'll see the business sense in helping you monetise your passion.

4) I don't have time. Well you can't buy it, so make some. What do you think everyone else running their own business does? They make sacrifices. They give up TV. They stop going to the football. They stop socialising so much. If you really want it really, really, really bad, you'll find the time. Focus on your downtime hours. What do you do between 5am and 8am and 9pm and 2am? Sleep? Read the paper? Watch TV? Pick the sacrifice that will make your dream a reality and make it.

5) I'm waiting for a killer idea. Well don't wait forever, because it might never arrive. You don't need to have invented a sector to be the best business in it - and the pioneers of new ideas are rarely those that capitalise on them. Know what you're good at, what you're passionate about, what you could do better than anyone else and start building it. If it's better, people will buy it.

6) I'm waiting for the economy to improve. Why? There's never a bad time to start a great business - and you're planning to start a great business, right? Not an average one dependent on outside factors? Nobody knows how long the economy will bounce along the bottom so how long are you planning to wait? Microsoft started in a recession, remember.

7) It's risky giving up my job. What if I fail? It is risky, you could fail and there are no assurances you won't. Now we've established that, what are you going to do? Pursue your dream or sit wondering for the rest of your life what might have been? Take Canadian hockey legend Wayne Gretzky's words as inspiration: "You'll miss 100% of the shots you never take." Learn to accept the risk and focus on limiting it with effective planning and by starting small.

8) I don't have the skills or experience. Know what? You're right, you probably don't. But then often you don't know what you don't know until it's too late. Certainly, none of entrepreneurs who started today's household brands knew everything they do now when they started out. Either accept you'll learn along the way (and usually from your mistakes) or do something about it. If you're not a figures person, pay someone who is or take a course. If you're adamant you need experience, offer to shadow someone or temp in the industry you're planning to enter.

9) People say... it won't work/I'm too old/I'm too young. Whose business is it, yours or theirs? For every business that works, 10 people have said it won't. If billionaire business angels and VCs struggle to pick out the next big businesses, why waste your time listening to anyone else? Believe in yourself and prove everyone else wrong.

10) I don't know how. Firstly, stop worrying: you've never had so much information at your fingertips or so many experts readily reachable. Secondly, focus on knowing your business. If you're the most passionate, knowledgeable expert about what you do then your business will have an intrinsic value that'll afford you the time for your business knowledge to catch up.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) Nov.16-22

For one week, millions of young people around the world join a growing movement to generate new ideas and to seek better ways of doing things.More then 100 countries joined together for the first time in November 2008 to host Global Entrepreneurship Week, an initiative to inspire young people to embrace innovation, imagination and creativity. To think big. To turn their ideas into reality. To make their mark.This November, it will be even Bigger.

Millions of people, 
More than 25,000 events,activities and competitions,
102 countries,120 Host organizations,9,000 Partners,Dozens of global,leaders and celebrities,3,064,937 participants,1 billion web & media impressions,
Seven Days, 
Four Goals
Introduce the notion of enterprising behavior to as many young people under the age of 30 who otherwise might not have considered it as a path in their life.
Network young people across national boundaries in a global effort to find new ideas at the intersection of cultures & disciplines.
Enlist active and inspirational entrepreneurs around the world to coach and mentor the next generation of enterprise talent as they pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

Demonstrate to opinion leaders and policy makers that entrepreneurship is central to a nation's economic health  and culture and to provide different nations with the opportunity to learn from each other on entrepreneurial policy and practice.

Unleashing Ideas Network
12 Global Partners marketing Global Entrepreneurship Week in at least 10 countries each.
5 permanent year-round campaigns,
University networks around the world engaging students .
 National and local government leadership.

Official Activities: 2009
Global Innovation Tournament
A fast-paced competition that pits students around the world against one another with the goal of promoting innovation by challenging participants to develop solutions for a common, global problem in eight days.
Global Clean Tech Open IDEAS Competition
A world-class business plan competition seeking the best early-stage clean technology ideas and helps turn them into successful companies—and foster a healthy natural environment.
Speed network the Globe
Light-touch gathering that bring aspiring and established entrepreneurs together to unleash energy, share ideas and make connections–fast.
Mentoring Madness
Hosted by the New York Stock Exchange, this live web cast is part of a program to encourage the development of mentor-ship's.
How to Get Involved
Is your organization or company willing to be catalyst behind Global Entrepreneurship Week  to foster entrepreneurship for better Bangladesh ?
To become a Partner, all your organization needs to do is pledge to host at least one event or activity during the Week—there is no limit to what you can do. All activities are welcome, as long as they foster an entrepreneurial spirit in young people.
Speaker / Mentor.
If you have personal experiences and insights into what it takes to be an entrepreneur, volunteer to share them with the next generation at an event or activity near you.
More than 25,000 events and activities will take place during the Week, visit the website and find an event or activity happening near you.

YELL on Facebook
YELL Photos on Facebook

To Be Continue 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

======= Young Entrepreneurs & Leaders League (YELL)

Young Entrepreneurs & Leaders League

Many organizations are working to make a positive impact in our society, as we do. Each one of them has its own approach. We also have our unique way to make that impact.............................................................................................................................................
YELL is community of entrepreneurs; it’s non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students, youth, entrepreneur, business personal etc. It’s members are interested in world issues, entrepreneurships, leadership, management, share ideas, innovation, branding, personal development & skill developments etc. and takes the message of YELL to many additional places around the world. This organization is especially active in the area of education and training for entrepreneurs.  YELL does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, disable, creed, religion, national, ethnic or social origin etc.

(Financial & Spiritual Freedom by bring together Honest & Smart People to Eliminate Poverty & Create Philanthropy).

                       EMPOWER (Empower Yourselves by Empower Others).

Our goals to make YELL members successful in their business through networking and training programs and it makes opportunities available to young entrepreneurs from across the country for construct 1 million entrepreneurs by 2020 but also Start Community Based School & Start Up Bank by 2015.

To foster entrepreneurship & leadership.
To support YELL members by providing them the chance to network, train and grow.
To provide resources to its members so that they can benefit the economy through innovative business ideas.
To equip youth with Entrepreneurial, Personal, Professional & Skill development.

To develop members of YELL and international exchange participants through project management.

To involve in a learning network for YELL  stakeholders with a common and continuous focus on entrepreneurship.

To cultivate entrepreneurs of meaning, and to live YELL values.

  According to YELL, you get to share your story with those who have had similar mindset & experiences, and thus gain insight into the best principles of entrepreneurship.
The exchange of experiences between entrepreneurs has top priority for all activities.


                         Motto: Amateur Speaks strategy, Professional Speaks LOGISTICS.....

1.INVITE :- We Invite >>
                           Young's, Entrepreneurs,Leaders, Edupreneures, Mediapreneurs, Ideapreneurs,
                Technopreneurs, Business Investors, Angel Investors, Venture Capitalist, And so

2) UNITE :-  Unite them on based of Area of Expatriate.

3) TRAIN :- We Provide>>  
                           a) Personal Developmen
                                                             Personal Grooming,Socializing Skill (including Public Relation &  Public Speaking ), NLP, Carrier Planning & Goal Setting, Inter Personal Skill, Time Management.........and so on.
            b) Skill Development
                             Computer literacy,  English Language, Presentation & Negotiation, Cash Flow Management.....and Area of Expatriate.
                                        Motto of Training: THINK, ACT & BE LIKE BUSINESS LEADER…..    

4) PERFORM:- Let Them Perform >>
                                  Motto of Performance: PERFECTION BY PERFORMANCE.....

5) CHARITY:-           Give Back to The Humanity.....


                  "Dream as if you'll Live Forever, Live as if you'll die today"


What We Envision
Unleash humankind's Potential & Peace.
Our Impact
Our local & international network enables young people to discover, Innovate and develop their potential to provide
entrepreneurship & leadership for a positive impact on our society.
The Way We Do It
YELL provides its members with an integrated development experience comprised of leadership opportunities,
international participation in a global learning environment by Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Such as GEC.
Our Values
Our Values provide a way for the collective leadership of YELL to encourage common norms of behaviors across our
global network which will support the achievement of our goals and will support us in pursuing our ideals. 
Activating Leadership
We lead by example and inspire leadership through actions and results. We take full responsibility for developing the
potential of other people.
Demonstrating Integrity
We are consistent and transparent in our decisions and actions. We fulfill our commitments and conduct ourselves in a
way that is true to our ideals.
Living Diversity
We seek to learn from the different ways of life and opinions represented in our multicultural environment. We respect
and actively encourage the contribution of every individual.
Enjoying Participation
We have a dynamic environment created by active and enthusiastic involvement of individuals. We enjoy being
involved in YELL.
Striving for Excellence
We aim to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do. Through creativity and innovation we seek to
continuously improve our results.
Acting Sustainable
We act in a way that is sustainable for our organization and society. Our decisions take into account the needs of future generations.

1.  Supporter: Who join one of our activity & remain well wisher.
2.  Member:   Who demonstrate his/her Organizing Power by arrange YELL IS (Invitation Session)
                       .....T&C apply.....
3.  Executive: Voted by Members plus Pioneers & Selected by YELL Presidential Team.
4.  Pioneer:  Must have Business (without even trade license).
5.  Comrade:  Responsible for Countries Chapter.
6.  Elite:  International Chapter.
                     ***** Comrades & Elite will be in YELL Presidential Team*****

The membership Criteria for YELL are as follows:
Blow 30 year of age any one is mentally sound & wants to be an entrepreneur can be our member from every level of society.
> Any entrepreneur, investor, business owner etc.
> Any Founder, co-founder, owner or controlling shareholder etc.
To Become a Partner Organization:
Higher authority of any Institute, Corporation or Organisation can contact with us to become a partner.

To Become a Host Organization:
Higher authority of any Institute, Corporation or Organisation can contact with us to become a Host. 

                     :::::Donors & Sponsor:::::
We welcome all sort of Donors & Sponsors who have unconditional intention to help the Humanity & Young entrepreneurs.

At the YELL, you get to meet and share views with like-minded people and fellow entrepreneurs. In order to facilitate a free exchange of ideas and growth for its member, the Young Entrepreneurs & Leaders League provides the following facilities to members:
Global & Local networking platform for Old & Young Entrepreneurs.
- you can join various types of local & international Summit, Congress, Learning Events, Seminars etc.
- Personal Development & Skill Development,
- Presentation skill,
- English & Computer literacy,
- Personal grooming,
- Self branding,
- Branding,
- Neuro Language Program,
- Time management,
- Inter personal skill, 
- Leadership skill, 
- Communication skill,
- Negotiation skill, 
- Cash flow management, 
- Brain storming session, 
- Local & International Network & Connection building, 
- Speakers club,
- Business owner club, 
- Investor club, 
- human empowerment & poverty eradication program,
And lot more to come & will have discount for it’s member in our related business network  etc................................................................................................

Entrepreneur in the Making………………………………….......
Young Entrepreneurs with ambition, dedication, and risking failure to be Financially Free.
 All share one quality. Driven 2 Succeed
For the split second you think of how hours become days, and you still..... haven't taken a slightest step to closer to your Dream.
Stop for a moment, and think to yourself, what have I actually done so far in my existence on earth that lead me to my dream?????
The answer is simple.............nothing.

What would it be worth to you, knowing that you can change all of the bad for the best?
There is a saying,
"DREAM as if you'll Live Forever,
Live as if you'll die today"
This is your opportunity. These things come once in a lifetime.
Take your first step & Join US.


Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 0088 01733987677
Skype:   yellbangladesh
Twitter: yellbangladesh
To Be Continue